Aaron Rittmaster - (888) 416-6873 ext. 800
Groups, Theme Parks, Cruises, Fun in the Sun, Romance & Special Occasions, Luxury
Jessica Cruz - (252) 675-2036 & Alexandra Ranieri (910) 619-9721
New Bern, NC
Specialties: Theme Parks, Cruises, Groups, Fun in the Sun
Jessica: jessica.cruz@fantasticmemoriestravel.com
Alex: msalex@mousemastertravel.com
Joseph Hammer - (913) 748-6387
Overland Park, KS
Specialties: Fun & Sun, Cruises, Theme Parks
Joshua Watters - (888) 416-6873 ext. 804
Specialties: Cruises, Fun in the Sun, Theme Park, Colder Weather
Matt Willer - (888) 416-6873 ext. 808
Specialties: Cruises, Groups, Theme Parks, Fun in the Sun
Paul Einselen - (813) 220-9586
Specialties: Cruises, Fun in the Sun
Sarah Carter - (912) 414-0297
Tim Hicks - (888) 416-6873 ext. 807
Brad Kaye - (888) 416-6873 ext. 815
Gladstone, Missouri
Specialties – Europe, Colder Weather, Fun in the Sun
Pat Souza - (978) 804-1411
Leann Winton - (888) 416-6873 ext. 803
Contractor agents who work with us embody the promises we make to our guests.
Fantastic Memories Travel agents participate in the agency's specialized training programs, including an ongoing monthly training series. Agents also regularly complete training offered by vendors, suppliers and destinations to ensure that they always have the most current and accurate information to provide to their guests.
Fantastic Memories Travel professionals understand that the only way to plan the IDEAL vacation for a guest is to understand what that means for each guest. Our contractor agents apply their knowledge and experience to each guest's vision of an IDEAL vacation, crafting a unique experience for each guest.
Service Team
Our contractor agents always provide guests with AT LEAST a phone number and an Email address to use to contact them. In addition, the Agency makes available, at reasonable cost to the contractor agent, out-of-office coverage to give both agents and their clients the peace of mind that a knowledgeable travel professional is available to help, even when the booking agent is traveling.
Being a successful independent contractor agent requires a willingness to invest in one's own business. At Fantastic Memories Travel, we help contractor agents realize the maximum return on those investments by providing a range of value-added services that allow contractor agents to realize significant cost savings by aggregating needs and pooling resources.
Don't wait until you're feeling overwhelmed
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